Forum, Augusteum i Arheološki muzej Narona
(Zgrada muzeja)
Forum, Augusteum i Arheološki muzej Narona
(Zgrada muzeja)
Na mjestu dodira naronitanskog Gornjeg grada kojeg je zatvarao prostor unutar zidina na brežuljku i Donjeg grada koji se unutar zidina rasprostirao u dolinu, sagrađen je Forum krajem 1. stoljeća prije Krista te uz njega hram Augusteum i brojne javne građevine kao što su kurija – vijećnica i taberne. Od njih najznačajniji je i najsačuvaniji Augusteum, hram posvećen rimskom carskom kultu i prvotno prvom rimskom caru Oktavijanu Augustu i članovima njegove obitelji te nasljednicima. Hram je imao četiri stupa na pročelju, a iz trijema se ulazilo u zatvoreni prostor, tj. svetište. U njemu je sačuvan mozaični pod, postamenti za skulpture i posvetni natpisi. Ipak najznačajniji je po pronalasku najveće skupine rimske carske skulpture koja potječe iz razdoblja od kraja 1. stoljeća prije Krista do 2. stoljeća, a čini je preko sedamnaest mramornih skulptura u nadnaravnoj veličini. Između ostalih pronađene su skulpture careva Oktavijana Augusta, Tiberija, Klaudija te Vespazijana. Smatra se da je hram stradao krajem 4. stoljeća nakon što je rimska religija zamijenjena kršćanstvom, o čemu svjedoče obezglavljene skulpture careva i njihovih obitelji. Nakon toga na ruševinama hrama nastaje groblje tijekom 6. stoljeća, a u 19. stoljeću kuća i štala obitelji Plećaš, po kojoj je lokalitet u arheološkoj literaturi poznat kao Plećaševe štale. Nakon istraživanja koja su započela početkom devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća, zbog važnosti nalaza, 2007. godine sagrađena je suvremena zgrada Arheološkog muzeja Narona koju je projektirao arhitekt Goran Rako, za koju je autor dobio mnoge nagrade. Kao muzej in situ, tj. muzej koji se smjestio na mjestu arheološkog lokaliteta najznačajniji je spomenik kulture doline Neretve i jedno od najpoznatijih turističkih destinacija ovog kraja.
Forum, Augusteum and the Narona Archaeological Museum
(Museum Building)
At the place of the Narona Upper Town, closing in the space within the walls at the hill and the Lower Town that spread into the valley within the walls, the Forum was built at the end of the 1st century BC and along with it the Augusteum shrine and numerous public buildings such as the manor house – the town hill and tabernae. The most significant and the most preserved of them is Augusteum, a temple devoted to the Roman emperor cult and originally to the first Roman emperor Octavian August and members of his family and his successors. The temple had four pillars in the front; from the porch, there was an entrance into an enclosed area, i.e. the sanctuary. It preserves a mosaic floor, plinths for sculptures and dedicatory inscriptions. Nevertheless, it is the most significant for its finding of the largest group of the Roman emperor sculpture dating back to the period from the end of the 1st century BC until the 2nd century and is comprised of over seventy marble sculptures in a supernatural size. Among others, sculptures of the emperors Octavian August, Tiberius, Claudius and Vespasian were found. It is considered that the shrine was damaged at the end of the 4th century after the Roman religion was replaced by Christianity, which is witnessed by the beheaded sculptures of emperors and their families. After that, on the ruins of the temple, a cemetery was created in the course of the 6th century, while in the 19th century the house and the stable of the Plećaš family emerged, after which in the archaeological literature the locality is known as the Plećaš stables. After research that started at the beginning of the 1990s, due to the importance of the findings, in 2007 a contemporary Narona Architectural Museum building was built designed by the architect Goran Rako, which won him many prizes. As a museum in situ, i.e. a museum located at the place of the archaeological locality, it is the most significant monument of culture of the Neretva valley and one of the most famous tourist destinations in the region.