Gradski park

Gradski park


Metkovski Gradski park nalazi se u samom središtu grada, a nastao je na prostoru koji je sredinom 19. stoljeća nastao nasipanjem riječnog otočića Piska. Početak mu seže još u daleku 1906. godinu kada je svečano otvoren, a poznato je da je u njemu bilo zasađeno više od 150 različitih vrsta drveća i bilja, a pojedine su vrste dovezene s Bliskog istoka brodovima koji su pristajali u metkovsku luku. Poseban ugođaj davao mu je paviljon od kovanog željeza. Najzaslužniji za nastanak gradskog perivoja, tj. parka bili su Ilija Bošnjak te činovnik Bitel koji je bio zaposlen u Poljoprivrednoj školi u Metkoviću. Na mjestu uklonjenog paviljona, nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, postavljen je top koji je bio izvučen iz rijeke Neretve, a koji je nakon devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća uklonjen. Istom vremenu pripada i jednostavni spomenik koji je podignut u spomen žrtvama antifašističke borbe tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Tijekom 20. stoljeća uz park nalazio se i Korzo, šetnica koja je bila glavno okupljalište i mjesto druženja tadašnjih mladih Metkovaca. Gradski je park temeljito preuređen početkom 21. stoljeća kada su uređene staze te izgrađena fontana. Danas je park važno okupljalište Metkovaca svih uzrasta te njihovih gostiju, a ujedno je i izvrsna pozornica na otvorenom za različite manifestacije i glazbene koncerte.

Town Park


The Metković Town Park is in the very centre of the town and was created in the area that in the mid-19th century was created by the filling of the Pisk river island. Its beginnings date back to the distant year of 1906 when it was festively opened; it is well known that more than 150 different trees and herbs were planted there, some of the species were even brought from the Middle East by ships docking in the Metković port. A special atmosphere was provided by the pavilion made from wrought iron. The merit for the creation of the town garden, i.e. park, goes to Ilija Bošnjak and officer Bitel, employed at the School of Agriculture in Metković. At the place of the removed pavilion, a cannon was placed after World War II, pulled from the river Neretva; this, too, was removed in the 1990s. Belonging to the same age is also the simple monument raised to commemorate the victims of the antifascist struggle during World War II. In the course of the 20th century, along the park there was also the Korzo, a promenade that was the main gathering place where the young inhabitants of Metković used to hang out. The town park was thoroughly renovated at the beginning of the 21st century when the paths were made and a fountain built. Today the park is an important gathering place of the people of Metković of all ages and their guests; it is also an excellent stage in the open for various events and concerts.