Industrijska arhitektura

(željeznička i lučka skladišta, Mlin, Vinarija, Razvitak)

Industrijska arhitektura

(željeznička i lučka skladišta, Mlin, Vinarija, Razvitak)

 Razvoj industrije u Metkoviću može se pratiti od sredine 19. stoljeća pa se tako i industrijska arhitektura dovodi u odnos s razvojem luke te su najznačajniji primjeri nalazi u širem okruženju luke ili neposredno u luci. Najznačajnija su lučka i željeznička skladišta koja potječu s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća. Glavna osobina im je funkcionalnost te jednostavnost oblikovanja tadašnje industrijske arhitekture, miješajući ranije odlike secesijskog stila s modernim strujanjima u arhitekturi. Novi zamah u razvoju industrije događa se nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, o čemu svjedoče sljedeće zgrade: kompleks Mlin s monumentalnim silosom, Vinarija te Razvitak koje odlikuje upotreba betona kao osnovnog građevinskog materijala i jednostavnost oblikovanja te odlike suvremene arhitekture što je posebno vidljivo na zgradi Vinarije čije je pročelje obogaćeno betonskim saćama.

Industrial Architecture

(iron and port warehouses, mill, winery, Razvitak)

 The development of industry in Metković can be monitored from the mid-19th century; the industrial architecture is brought into connection with the development of the port. The most  significant examples can be found in the wider port area or directly in the port. The most significant are the port and railway warehouses from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Their main feature is the functionality and simplicity in forming the then industrial architecture, mixing the earlier features of the secessionist style with modern trends in architecture. A new momentum in the development of the industry took place after World War II, which is witnessed by the following buildings: the mill complex with a monumental silo, the Winery and Razvitak (Development) characterised by the use of concrete as the basic construction material and the simplicity of the form and features of contemporary architecture, which is particularly visible in the building of the Winery whose front was enriched by concrete combs.