Lučki most

Lučki most


Iako je najranije metkovsko naselje bilo vjerojatno smješteno na lijevoj obali Neretve na padinama Predolca, s razvojem luke u Metkoviću od 18. stoljeća te širenjem naselja na desnu obalu rijeke, raste potreba za njezinim premošćivanjem. Tako se u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća gradi sekla, nedugo zatim već 1878. godine gradi se prvi drveni most za potrebe vojske pri okupaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. A razvojem naselja i luke dolazi do sve veće potrebe za gradnjom mosta koji može zadovoljiti prometne potrebe pa se 1895. godine gradi prvi željezni most poznat kao Jelisavin most, prema Elizabeti, ženi cara Franje Josipa. Most je činila kamena nosiva konstrukcija i tri luka spojena zakovicama. Obnovom iz 1973. godine metkovski Lučki most dobiva današnji izgled koristeći dva ranija nosiva pilona za kontinuiranu čeličnu konstrukciju

Port Bridge


Even though the earliest Metković settlement was probably located on the left bank of the Neretva, on the slopes of Predolac, with the port of Metković developing since the 18th century and the town expanding to the right river bank, the need to bridge it grew. Thus, in the second half of the 19th century, a ferry was built and not long after that, in 1878, the first wooden bridge was built for the needs of the military during the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the development of the town and the port, there was an ever-larger need for the construction of a bridge that could meet the traffic needs; in 1895, the first iron bridge was built, known as the Jelisava’s bridge, after Elisabeth, the wife of Kaiser Franz Joseph. The bridge was made of a bearing stone structure and three arches connected by rivets. In the renovation of 1973, the Metković Port bridge got its today’s appearance using two earlier bearing pylons for the continuous steel structure.