Rezervat Prud

Rezervat Prud

 Ornitološki rezervat Prud nalazi se istočno od istoimenog naselja i mjesta Vid te rijeke Norin koja tu izvire i njime protječe, sjeverno od Glibuše, mrtvog rukavca rijeke Neretve. Rezervat obuhvaća ostatak močvarnog područja delte Neretve površine oko 320 hektara te je jedan od rijetko sačuvanih mediteranskih tršćaka. Status Posebnog ornitološkog rezervata ima već od 1965. godine, a 1993. godine uvršten je u Ramsarski popis močvara od međunarodnog značaja te je dio europske mreže zaštićenih područja Natura 2000. Glavna mu je osobina gusta močvarna vegetacija koju čine tršćaci te druga močvarna flora pa je tako idealno područje za gnjezdište i zimovalište raznih vrsta ptica među kojima su najznačajnije populacije bukavca (Botaurus stellaris), čapljice voljka (Ixobrychus minutus), eje močvarice (Circus aeruginosus) i patke njorke (Aythya nyroca). Zanimljivo je da je ovo jedno od neretvanskih gnjezdišta koje je jedino primorsko gnjezdište brkate sjenice (Panurus biarmicus), a važno je i za populacije kokošica (Rallus aquaticus), štijoka (Porzana sp.), trstenjaka (Acrocephalus sp.)  i drugih vrsta.

Prud Reserve

 The Prud ornithological reserve is to the East of the same-named settlement and the town of Vid and the Norin river that springs here and flows through it, to the North of Glibuša, a dead branch of the Neretva river. The reserve encompasses the rest of the wetland of the Neretva delta of a surface of approximately 320 hectares and is one of the rarely preserved Mediterranean reed beds. It has had the status of a Special Ornithological Reserve since 1965 and in 1993 it was included in the List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance and is a part of the European Natura 2000 protected areas network. Its main feature is the thick marshland vegetation comprised of reed beds and other wetland flora so that it is an ideal area for the nesting and wintering of different bird species among which the most significant are the populations of the great bittern (Botaurus stellaris), common little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) and ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca). It is interesting that this is one of the Neretva nesting grounds that is the only coastal nesting of bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus); it is also important for the populations of the water rail (Rallus aquaticus), spotted crake (Porzana sp.), warblers (Acrocephalus sp.)  and other species.