Sv. Ilija u Metkoviću

Sv. Ilija u Metkoviću


Prvotna crkva sv. Ilije na Predolcu podignuta je krajem 17. ili početkom 18. stoljeća. Proširivana je u dva navrata (1780. i 1830. godine), a zbog povećanoga broja vjernika uskoro se pristupilo gradnji nove crkve. Na temelju tlocrta iz mape austrijskoga zemljišnog katastra (1836. godine) i usporedbom s drugim sakralnim građevinama toga doba u dolini Neretve može se zaključiti da je riječ o standardnome tipu jednobrodne crkvice pravokutnoga oblika s apsidom na začelnoj, istočnoj strani.

Gradnja nove crkve započela je 1867. godine prema nacrtu inženjera Juraja Marcocchija. Novi sv. Ilija u stilskome pogledu pripada historicizmu, koji se u prvoj polovici stoljeća javlja u Europi, a nakon 1860. godine i u Dalmaciji. Historicizam oponaša povijesne europske umjetničke stilove, a sakralnoj gradnji u najvećoj su mjeri predodređene neoromanika i neogotika.

Konstruktivni elementi sv. Ilije verzija su neoromanike. Crkva pripada tipu bazilike jer je glavni brod viši od dvaju bočnih. U unutrašnjosti su lađe međusobno odijeljene izmjenom jednoga stupa i stuba. Uzdužni volumen crkve pod pravim kutom prekinut je poprečnim brodom – transeptom. Prozori s polukružnim lukovima raspoređeni su duž bočnih zidova sporednih lađa, na zidovima transepta i apside te na zvoniku. Zvonik s piramidalnim završetkom smješten je na sjeveroistočnoj strani. Neoromanički stilski izričaj prisutan je i lunetom i zabatom nad portalom na zapadnoj strani te dekoracijom gornjih vanjskih rubova zida glavnoga broda i transepta s arkadicama. Maleni tornjevi nad zapadnim pročeljem i transeptom podsjećaju na gotičke fijale te predstavljaju verziju neogotike.

Crkva je dovršena 1874. godine i tada započinje opremanje njezine unutrašnjosti oltarima i crkvenim namještajem. Ističu se glavni i tri pobočna oltara koji su djela splitske radionice Pavla Bilinića, izvedeni u neobaroknome stilu. Glavnomu oltaru kasnije su pridodane skulpture sv. Ćirila i Metoda. Najvažniju je obnovu crkva doživjela 1995. godine.

Ispred župne crkve sv. Ilije u Metkoviću 1990. godine, na drugu obljetnicu smrti, otkriven je spomenik ocu Anti Gabriću, rad akademske kiparice Nine Sedlar.

Elijah in Metković

 The original church of St. Elijah on Predolac was raised at the end of the 17th or beginning of the 18th century. It was expanded on two occasions (in 1780 and 1830); due to an increased number of believers, the construction of a new church was soon started. Based on the floor plan from the map of the Austrian land cadastre (1836) and by comparison with other sacral buildings of the time in the Neretva valley, one can conclude that this is the standard type of a single-nave church of a rectangular shape with an apse at the back, on the Eastern side.

The construction of a new church started in 1867 according to the design of engineer Juraj Marcocchi. With regard to the style, the new St. Elijah belongs to historicism emerging in the first half of the century in Europe and after 1860 also in Dalmatia. The historicism mimics the historic European art styles, while the sacral building is largely defined by the Neo-Romanesque and Neo-Gothic style.

The structural elements of St. Elijah are a version of the Neo-Romanesque style. The church belongs to the basilica types because the main nave is higher than the two side naves. Inside, the naves are divided by an exchange of pillars and stairs. The longitudinal volume of the church is interrupted at the right angle by a transverse nave – a transept. The windows with their semi-circular arches are positioned along the sidewalls of the secondary naves, on the walls of the transept and the apse and on the bell tower. The bell tower with a pyramidal ending is located to the Northeast. The Neo-Romanesque style expression is present also in the lunette and gable over the portal on the Western side and the decoration of the upper external edges of the wall of the main nave and transept with small arcades. The small bell towers above the western front and transept remind of Gothic pinnacles and represent a version of the Neo-Gothic style.

The church was completed in 1874, when the furnishing of its interior with altars and church furniture started. Standing out are the main and three side altars, works of the Pavao Bilinić’s workshop from Split, performed in the Neo-Baroque style. Later added to the main alter were the sculptures of St. Cyril and Methodius. The most significant renovation of the church took place in 1995.

In front of the parish church of St. Elijah in Metković in 1990, on the second anniversary of his death, a monument to father Ante Gabrić was uncovered, work of Nina Sedlar, an academic sculptor.