Zgrade Duhanske stanice (Vage)

Zgrade Duhanske stanice (Vage)


Zgrade Duhanske stanice u Metkoviću svjedočanstva su proizvodnje duhana s kraja 19. stoljeća i kasnije. Glavna je zgrada sa stilskim obilježjima historicizma izgrađena 1903. godine bračkim kamenom. Vanjskim oplošjem dominira stilizirana rustika s blagim ispupčenjem u prizemnoj zoni. Ova je razlika u tretmanu prizemlja u odnosu na katove oblježje neorenesanse. Historicizmu pripada i odvajanje katova od prizemlja i tavana plitkim kamenim pojasevima te izlazak volumena u prostor na središtu (s prednje strane u manjoj, sa stražnje strane u nešto većoj mjeri). Prozorske osi simetrično su raspoređene. Na središnjoj se s prednje strane ističu dva balkona nošena volutnim konzolama.

Prozorski okviri završavaju lučnim segmentnim oblikom natprozornika, što je slučaj i na približno istodobnim zdanjima ove namjene u Imotskome i Dubrovniku. Uporaba radijarno postavljenih opeka kao materijala ukazuje i na vrijeme secesije, a sve zajedno predstavlja ekonomsku i kulturnu ostavštinu austrijske vlasti u Dalmaciji. Istu karakteristiku imala je i susjedna zgrada metkovske Duhanske stanice, no ona je teško stradala u Drugome svjetskom ratu te takav oblik natprozornika kasnije nije repliciran. Glavna zgrada Vage imala je i kanalizacijski sustav i laboratorij s mikroskopom te je bila ograđena dvorištem s vrtom. Većina dvorišta uništena je početkom 21. stoljeća. Danas se u prizemnim prostorijama nalazi Prirodoslovni muzej, a na katu Gradska knjižnica.

The Tobacco Station Buildings (Scales)


The buildings of the Tobacco station in Metković are a testimony of tobacco production at the end of the 19th century and later on. The main building has the stylistic features of historicism and was built in 1903 in stone from Brač. The surface area is dominated by stylised rustic elements with a mild protrusion in the ground floor zone. This difference in the treatment of the ground floor compared to the upper floors is a feature of Neo-Renaissance. Belonging to historicism is also the separation of the floors from the ground floor and the garret in shallow stone belts and the volume coming out in the centre space (to a somewhat smaller measure in the front and to a somewhat greater measure in the back). The window axes are distributed symmetrically. On the central axe, in the front, two balconies are standing out carried by volute consoles.

The window frames end in arc-shaped lintel, which is also the case on the approximately same-aged structures of this purpose in Imotski and Dubrovnik. The use of the radially placed bricks as material points also to secession and all together represents an economic and cultural heritage of the Austrian rule in Dalmatia. The same feature was typical also for the neighbouring building of the Metković Tobacco station; however, it was severely devastated in World War II and such shape of the lintel was later not replicated. The main building, the Scales, also had a sewerage system and a laboratory with a microscope and was fenced by a yard with a garden. The majority of the yard was destroyed at the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, in the ground floor rooms there is the Natural History Museum, while the upper floor houses the Town Library.